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439 Engineering Research Building

1500 Engineering Drive

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Madison, WI 53706

Records and Results

  Homer (IEC-1) Steady-State Record Homer (IEC-1) Pulsed Record Helios (IEC-2) Steady-State Record 3 HeCTRE Steady-State Record
D-D fusion neutrons (n/s) 2.4x108 5x109 1x107 2.7x107
D-3He fusion protons (p/s) 5x107 -- -- 2x107
3He-3He fusion protons (p/s) -- -- 1.1x103 --
Max Voltage 190 kV 120 kV 170 kV 150 kV
Max Current 75 mA 6 A 75 mA 35 mA
As of: 8/1/2007

IEC Lab Timeline

Scroll acoss to see entire timeline.

UW-IEC timeline

Neutron Production Records

pulsed neutron rate

Confirmed Detection of Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU)

Confirmed HEU detection

Detection of 3He-3He Fusion Protons

He-3 He-3 fusion!

Fusion First Wall Materials Studies

The IEC can be used for high energy ion implantation into materials, providing a valuable tool for materials studies in a variety of applications.

Focused Ion Beam (FIB) analysis

Carbon velvet fiber Carbon velvet fiber end
Carbon-carbon fiber split open carbon-carbon fiber end
Close up of high irradation sample close up of FIB
Mid-irradiation sample low irradiation
pore formation HAPL test
HAPL test HAPL test
HAPL test