G. Kulcinski, University of Wisconsin |
Experimental and Theoretical Program Highlights from the University
of Wisconsin IEC Program. (Abstract),(Presentation) |
E. Hotta, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Overview of Current and Past IEC Research in TITech. (Abstract),(Presentation) |
K. Masuda, Kyoto University |
Overview of IEC Research at Kyoto University. (Abstract),(Presentation) |
M. Utsumi, Tokai University |
Overview of Recent IEC Studies at Tokai University. (Abstract),(Presentation) |
M. Ohnishi, Kansai University |
Application of IECF to Neutron Radiography. (Abstract) |
Y. Yamamoto, Kansai University |
Generation of Neutron Beam with the Cylindrical Discharge type Fusion
Device. (Abstract),(Presentation) |
K. Takakura, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Effects of azimuthal cusp magnetic field on neutron production rate
in a cylindrical inertial electrostatic confinement device. (Abstract),(Presentation) |
M. Michalak, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Six Ion Gun Fusion Experiment Findings and Future Work. (Abstract),(Presentation) |
G. Becerra, University of Wisconsin–Madison |
Enhancement of an Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Device with a
Helicon Ion Source for Helium-3 Fusion. (Abstract),(Presentation) |
R. Bonomo, University of Wisconsin–Madison |
UW IEC Group 2011: Continuing Preparations for 300 kV Operation --
Device Switching. (Abstract),(Presentation) |
Y.Nakajima, Kansai University |
Discharge Simulation of IEC with the ion source. (Abstract), (Presentation) |
Y. Ishikura, Kansai University |
IEC Operation with the Cathode Designed for Extracting Ion from Ion
Source. (Abstract),(Presentation) |
G. Emmert, University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Update on the VICTER code for Modeling Gridded, Spherically Symmetric
IEC Devices. (Abstract),(Presentation) |
E. Alderson, University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Negative Ion Studies in an IEC Fusion Device. (Abstract),(Presentation) |
J. Santarius, University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Theoretical Exploration of UW IEC Device Operation at Moderate
Pressures. (Abstract),(Presentation) |
T. Kajiwara, Kyoto University |
Study on Upgrades of the Magnetron Ion Source for High Current
Operation of the Low Pressure Driven IEC Device. (Abstract),(Presentation) |
Y. Yamagaki, Kyoto University |
Experimental Results from an IEC Device Employing a 5-stage High
Voltage Feedthrough. (Abstract),(Presentation) |
H. Horibe, Kurita Manufacturing Corporation |
High Voltage Power Supply. (Abstract),(Presentation) |
D. Gummersall, Sydney University |
Orbit theory study of electron confinement in a Polywell device. (Abstract),(Presentation) |
A. Klein, BeamFusion.org |
The Multipole Ion-beam Experiment (MIX). (Abstract),(Presentation) |
A. Klein, BeamFusion.org |
MARBLE: Multiple Ambipolar Recirculating Beam Line Experiment. (Abstract),(Presentation) |
J. Rogers |
A Polywell p+11B Power Reactor. (Abstract),(Presentation), (Notes) |
M. Carr, Sydney University |
Conventional Point Cusp Theories Applied to the Polywell. (Abstract),(Presentation) |
J. Santarius, University of Wisconsin |
Workshop Summary, (Presentation) |